
Percussion Play's outdoor musical instruments give schools and daycare centers a fantastic opportunity to integrate music and creativity into children's everyday lives.

An outdoor music area will excite and inspire children musically, while also allowing them to enjoy the benefits of being outside in the fresh air and sunlight.

A music playground creates the framework for early interactions and positive experiences with music. Here children can explore, create and develop their own musical ideas and sounds, strengthening their musical potential – all while having fun and sharing experiences with other children.

Oplev vores inspirerende cases!

På denne side finder du spændende eksempler på projekter, hvor vores udendørs musikinstrumenter har skabt glæde, fællesskab og inklusion.

Fra sansehaver på plejehjem til legepladser og offentlige byrum – vores løsninger bringer mennesker sammen på tværs af generationer.


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