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Vigtigst af alt, så handler denne blog om hvad vi elsker at gøre mest, hjælpe dig med at skabe nye og spændende projekter med udendørs musikinstrumenter.

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Children's Hospital Introduces Musical Sensory Garden

Patients and visitors of the Hans Christian Andersen Children's Hospital at University Hospital Denmark can now enjoy playing Percussion Play outdoor musical instruments during their visit or stay. However, these interactive instruments have not just been installed for the patient's enjoyment, but more importantly to assist in a healthy, speedy recovery. Children can find a hospital visit or stay a daunting experience, but it's essential to their emotional and physical recovery that they maintain a positive frame of mind and feel comfortable in the hospital setting.

Arne Høst, Lead Consultant says "These instruments totally fit into our concept here at the children's hospital, we believe it should not just be a place where we treat and examine sick children, but also somewhere which gives them a great experience. I know that the hospital makes a very good job of treating the children, but sometimes when the kids - and adults - have a hard time, the music instruments will provide an...

5 Reasons Music Education Is Important

  1. Music education should be a part of a general education in everybody’s life. Scientists say that children who are exposed to music, or those who play an instrument, do better in school than those who don't.
  2. Music can be connected to many other subject areas. Through exploring music students can find natural connections to mathematics, science, reading, writing and performing arts.
  3. Children learn in many different ways. Music allows them to express themselves in a unique way, which motivates their learning and helps build their self confidence.
  4. Music is a universal language. It helps children connect to other cultures and understand the world around them.
  5. It's fun! Playing a musical instrument relieves stress. Have you ever noticed that when you hear soft, soothing music you feel more relaxed? Playing an instrument can do that and more, especially if you're the one playing. Music is one of life's simple joys; it helps calm the mind.

Outdoor Music Therapy and Interactive Music Making

Music Therapy Week is a week of campaigning to help raise awareness of how music therapy can improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our communities across the UK.

Donald Wetherick, Chair of the British Association for Music Therapy and Nordoff Robbins Music Therapist says,

“All over the UK professional music therapists are helping vulnerable people to overcome difficulties in communication, interaction, participation and development, through the skilled use of music. Music Therapy Week is an opportunity to celebrate this work, find out more about music therapy in your area, and raise awareness of the potential of music therapy to make a difference to people's lives. Please support MTW in whatever way you can”.

Outdoor musical instruments should not be overlooked when considering music therapy. Firstly, simply being outdoors immerses us in a very specific ‘musical' environment, whether or not we are aware of the music. Birdsong, bees buzzing along with...

Sing Up! Article Gives Top Tips for Outside Music Areas

The latest Sing Up magazine (Summer 13) includes an interesting article 'Sow a Sound Garden' in which Percussion Play was asked to contribute. The article includes top tips for creating an outside music area and the benefits of choosing to take music lessons into the Great Outdoors. The article has some great photos of our instruments installed at Saltergate Infant School and some wonderful comments from their music co-ordinator including "They are wonderful to look at, and the sound echoes all around the playground which is magical. It's lovely to see some of the quieter children growing in confidence through playing music outdoors during their playtime."

Singing games and music making in the outdoors are especially fun and bring a whole new dimension to the children’s learning and development. Being outside means the instruments can be played a little louder, they can raise their voices a little higher and movement in unrestricted. Children will benefit from listening to and creating...

Shiny New Outdoor Mirror Wall Chimes for Musical Play

Percussion Play are excited to add these beautiful Mirror Chimes to their outdoor musical instruments portfolio. What a ‘bright’ idea!

With highly polished stainless steel notes and a universal note wall mounting system, these outdoor chimes will give a unique sound whilst reflecting the surrounding environment to give another dimension to your outdoor play area, sensory garden, outdoor classroom or school grounds.

See these little guys? They can’t wait to have a go! Perhaps we have a budding pianist here? A future flutist or a drummer wannabe? Playing a musical instrument is very beneficial to children, however, in order for a child to truly become interested in playing an instrument they need to be engaged, they need to be motivated and they need to have fun! Playing music outdoors in a playground or sensory garden may just trigger an interest in music and encourage them to put down the remote and pick up a musical instrument instead.

A difficult instrument might intimidate...