New: 'White Papers' - A Knowledge Hub For Meaningful Music Related Content

Percussion Play has just launched a new White Papers section on its website for individuals looking to boost their knowledge, for people searching for strong evidence concerning the health benefits of music in numerous situations, or those simply seeking some inspiration for their own school, care home or elder centre or community project.

With fresh and engaging content, our collection of white papers are the result of extensive research. Serving as a knowledge hub, we are pleased to present this area for those interested in meaningful content related to music, musical play, music therapy and health.

Our first FREE white paper is entitled Music For Mood and Memory - The Benefits of Music For People Living With Alzheimer’s and Dementia. An in-depth look at how playing music has many surprising benefits, not only for learning language, improving memory and focusing attention, but also for physical coordination and development.

Our second paper Hitting The High Notes - The Benefits of Music for Mental Health explores how music and music therapy can provide the best, and certainly the most accessible, holistic approach to improving mental health available to us today.

Future white papers will include 'Music and Autism', 'The Importance of Music in Education' and 'Benefits of Music for the Community'. Please visit the White Papers page regularly to check for new papers or register here to be the first to read new published papers.

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