Percussion Play Continues to Grow and Expand Around the World

This autumn we were delighted to wish new distributor Kim Edwards Kyle and her team at Kyle Recreation, Inc. a very warm welcome to the Percussion Play family.

Kyle Recreation will be offering our entire range of outdoor musical instruments and we're convinced that their expertise and existing portfolio will fit well with our innovative musical play equipment. Kim started Kyle Recreation, Inc. back in 2000 having previously gained seven years experience in the play industry working for her Father, a Little Tikes Rep. Kim tells us "I enjoy the process of building a play space for all ages. My degree is in music education and so Percussion Play and the way in which they bring percussion and music-making to the outdoor world appeals to my heart. I can use these instruments in my designs to draw children and adults together on the playground and I love how they are truly inclusive and multi-generational."

We want our distributors to be well-equipped with all the information and resources they need in order to provide excellent service to customers wanting to introduce music and outdoor musical instruments to their inclusive playgrounds, parks or outdoor spaces. Once training is complete, our distributors have access to a our online repository with updated brochures, data sheets, drawings and other important resources. This way, our distributors can provide the same level of service and advice to customers that we would provide ourselves.

Since starting Percussion Play, we have grown exponentially - largely because of the commitment of our partners and distributors, choosing to work only with experienced play specialists who will ensure our clients get the quality and consistency they deserve.

Use our map to locate a distributor near you.

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