Sansa-Rimba features in care home 'Sensory Accessibility Path'

St. Joseph’s At Fleming a long-term care home in Peterborough, Ontario have created a wonderful new sensory path which aims to enhance the quality of life for its residents. The 'Resident Sensory Accessibility Path' is a paved pathway that wraps around the building, incorporating environmentally friendly features such as gazebos, flowers, memorial gardens, sensory stations and a pond. Open to the public, the wrap-around path is a great way to get the home's 200 residents, family and onsite day care children outside in the fresh air and socialise. A Sansa-Rimba outdoor xylophone has been installed for residents, carers and visitors to play on while taking a moment to rest, stop and admire the view.

Patrick Gillespie, CEO at St. Joseph's at Fleming said the residents didn't have many safe places to walk and getting outdoors is crucial. "The path not only provides a safe and accessible route, but it also encourages more outdoor programs and gets residents to engage with others along their walk. It just gets people out and happier in all weather,"

"The xylophone looks great and is a real highlight for our residents and visitors on our new sensory path."

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