Outdoor Music Therapy and Interactive Music Making

Music Therapy Week is a week of campaigning to help raise awareness of how music therapy can improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our communities across the UK.

Donald Wetherick, Chair of the British Association for Music Therapy and Nordoff Robbins Music Therapist says,

“All over the UK professional music therapists are helping vulnerable people to overcome difficulties in communication, interaction, participation and development, through the skilled use of music. Music Therapy Week is an opportunity to celebrate this work, find out more about music therapy in your area, and raise awareness of the potential of music therapy to make a difference to people's lives. Please support MTW in whatever way you can”.

Outdoor musical instruments should not be overlooked when considering music therapy. Firstly, simply being outdoors immerses us in a very specific ‘musical' environment, whether or not we are aware of the music. Birdsong, bees buzzing along with the many other appealing sights and sounds that are musically inspiring

Add to this the many recognised psychological benefits of being outdoors, the fresh air, the warmth of sun on your skin, stepping outside for your music therapy sessions can be of inestimable value for individuals who have difficulties in hearing, seeing, moving, thinking or responding.

Being outdoors and playing the Percussion Play instruments will engage the senses and allow you to experience the outdoors in a new and inspiring way.

When we think of the great outdoors we don't often think of it alongside music therapy. But we can and we should....

Aalbæk håndtryk
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