5 Reasons Music Education Is Important

  1. Music education should be a part of a general education in everybody’s life. Scientists say that children who are exposed to music, or those who play an instrument, do better in school than those who don't.
  2. Music can be connected to many other subject areas. Through exploring music students can find natural connections to mathematics, science, reading, writing and performing arts.
  3. Children learn in many different ways. Music allows them to express themselves in a unique way, which motivates their learning and helps build their self confidence.
  4. Music is a universal language. It helps children connect to other cultures and understand the world around them.
  5. It's fun! Playing a musical instrument relieves stress. Have you ever noticed that when you hear soft, soothing music you feel more relaxed? Playing an instrument can do that and more, especially if you're the one playing. Music is one of life's simple joys; it helps calm the mind.
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